Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Top Teacher of the Year Essay Samples Secrets

Top Teacher of the Year Essay Samples Secrets The Teacher of the Year Essay Samples Game 1 trick is to join at them all so they'll begin sending you promotions straight away. You would just like to sleep in or remain in your apartment and don't need to visit class or go out drinking with friends and family. After all, a little one enjoys every minute with their loved ones. You'll begin missing home less. If you are confronted with this kind of a question, make sure that you leave enough room to write knowledgeably and enthusiastically about that particular program. At length, students take the things that they have learned to finish the draft independently. If you're looking for a teaching job you'll be able to get assistance from website to create an attractive cover letter for you. Something about the current job and the employer information, if any, need to get mentioned also. The increase and prospect of an institution is dependent on its teacher quality. If you've vi sited the school, reference your visit to demonstrate you've made an attempt to learn more in regards to the school. Long-term impact is particularly persuasive. Invariably education would be required. Top Teacher of the Year Essay Samples Choices These regions are great and important for each human being. You have arrived at the proper spot. There's a location for them all. At the exact same time, it teaches students the simple writing skills they should know, and later on assist them improve the writing skills they've learned over time. Also tell the reader how you could be about the teacher. Now, needless to say, you can't expect your teacher to offer you detailed essay feedback where they're then likely to mark your work later. Within the next few paragraphs give specific examples of how your teacher has turned out to be worthy of this kind of award. The review of applications identifies 12-15 semifinalists that are invited to create a formal presentation on a pre-assigned subject, and to respond to questions as a piece of an interview procedure. These points which you're asking the man who's reading your work to consider may appear quite basic to you when they're taken at face value, but they could genuinely help you to avert some of the simplest errors of essay writing. It enables them to dig deeper into a particular subject, and in the procedure understand such topic in depth because, essentially, you cannot write about something in case you don't understand it well. As a consequence, the very first time I can specifically remember being requested to compose an essay was the very first year of high school in English at the time of about twelve. The Teacher of the Year Essay Samples Trap It's surprising how quickly comp points can accumulate! My meager earning is currently pathetic after the expenses that have teaching e ffectively. There are lots of areas of personal targets. Today, you're going to discover several examples of personal targets. The Supreme Approach for Teacher of the Year Essay Samples The essential feature is it's extra totally free chips and credits added to the starting balance at no cost. This is done so you've got more time to unwind and play without the load of worrying about your final choice. Now you might be pondering regarding the reason I said at the beginning of this article that nothing changes, well the reason is this. You want today and nights to have a deep breath and recharge. The Principles of Teacher of the Year Essay Samples That You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Immediately In addition, it's developing a positive effect on the education sector too. Demonstrate why it is you're suited to a specific field for a consequence of your education, experience, abilities, and enthusiasm. Following that, you might want to give students a more sophisticat ed handout about structuring an argument. Now, students depend on mobile and cellular apps for internet research and learning. Organize reading lessons around themes, so that as students learn how to read, they are preparing to take advantage of this skill by tapping into a big reserve of knowledge on a wide variety of topics. I am predicted to differentiate my instruction to fit the requirements of my 24 learners. Likewise certain subjects need various techniques of teaching aids and a parent may know only 1 method and could therefore train their child with an outdated tactic that might not reflect the present trends. Students already understand how educators value the heart of excellent writing, and the potency of writing as a way of improving a student's communication writing skills generally.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What is Grief - 1639 Words

Grief can occur from any trigger in a person’s life. It is an universal emotion that once it takes hold of someone it can take days to years to be able to get out of a grieving slump. Without support from others, the grief can manifest deeper inside the emotional sanity of that person. Sometimes all it takes for someone to get over their grief is help and kind understanding from those around them. When someone is grieving, many people around them feel uncomfortable not knowing how to help, but when someone does help many times this is the thing that helps someone overcome their grieving. In the novels Wuthering Heights, East of Eden, and the play Hamlet all three authors of these works explore the topic of grieving and how to overcome it. In some of the novels the characters don’t overcome it, and their grief becomes their downfall. For some, grief can take various shapes within their emotions and reactions. It can have stages and various intensities for each person it affects. For the character Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte, his grief transforms throughout the novel from sadness to an obsessive aspect of grief, much to the point where his grief only ends with his death. When someone goes through a traumatic period he or she usually have a support system to help them to deal with their emotions, but unlike most Heathcliff did not. When people are isolated and don’t have anyone to help them through their grief the harder it is for someoneShow MoreRelatedWhat Loss And Grief?1775 Words   |  8 Pagesunderstand what loss and grief entails or looks like from a military perspective. When I asked my friend if I could interview her for an ethnograph in relation to loss and grief, she said that the loss of her father and brother were two of the most devastating losses she has experienced; most ly due to the suppression of emotion that widely characterizes military culture. There is a spirit of stoicism that is indoctrinated and woven into every fiber of military life, including loss and grief. ThroughoutRead MorePurpose.This Group Is Being Developed To Help Christians1532 Words   |  7 Pagesbetween the ages of 18 and 60, to identify, understand and work through the different facets of grief, in their own lives.Whether it is the loss of a loved one, a relationship, employment, or reputation, grief is real to those experiencing it. The focus is to help people attending the group sessions to deal with the various stages of grief, and to learn how to move forward into the next phase of their life. Grief is a very active emotion, that can cause responses ranging from annoyance to suicide, in extremeRead MoreGrief, Bereavement And Disenfranchised Grief1745 Words   |  7 Pagesexamines the implications of grief, bereavement and disenfranchised grief. Grief in response to a loss is a unique experience and is expressed distinctively by every individual. It is helpful to have models that outline the stages of grief that need to be experienced in order to achieve acceptance. However, their utility is limited by the reality that grief is immeasurably complex and individualized. Veterans and children are two groups at risk of developing disenfranchised grief. Therefore, it will beRead MoreGrief : Grief And Grief1251 Words   |  6 PagesGrief in The Mind Grief is a natural occurrence that everybody goes through in their life. It can cause depression to some, but to others it is a way of coping with the loss of something incredibly meaningful. Grief can also occur from the death of a loved one, a change in your career, or the ending of a long relationship or a friendship. Grief can be any type of feelings people go through such as, being angry, being upset, having constant worries, relief, possible fear, or any other possible typeRead MoreGrief, By William Shakespeare863 Words   |  4 PagesGrief is keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; and sharp sorrow. Grief is something that can take a massive toll on one’s mental health and actions. It can change a person’s thinking and what they do. In â€Å"Hamlet† by William Shakespeare, grief is shown in many ways but with each person who is grieving they begin to act differently than they normally would. The first way grief is shown is by Hamlet when his father, King Hamlet, dies. The passing of the king had hurt everyone inRead MoreHealthy Grief Essay1051 Words   |  5 PagesHealthy Grief Grand Canyon University HLT-310V ` Job was a faithful follow of God who experienced tragedy as a result of Satan’s test of God. As a result of this test, Job moves through the stages of grief to complete his healing process. Kà ¼bler-Ross study of an individual’s grief led her to define and divide grief into five stages; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. This paper will examine the similarities joy and grief share. Lastly, how the author handles grief in theirRead MoreExploitation of Grief and Loss of 9/11 Essay862 Words   |  4 PagesExploitation of Grief Jess Walter creates a post 9/11 world that balances precariously between real and surreal. It is real enough that the reader is able to comprehend how awful the attack truly was; but surreal enough that the reader feels the same way most Americans did at Ground Zero—confused, frightened, and grief stricken. Remy, the unwilling hero in all of this is exposed to many different forms of grief both public and personal. Using irony and satire, Walter critiques the way publicRead MoreEssay about Anticipatory Grief1457 Words   |  6 PagesGrief is a universal reaction experienced by all of us at some time in our lives. The capacity that makes each of us capable of warm, satisfying relationships also leaves us vulnerable to sadness, despair, and grief when such relationships are disrupted (Carr, 1969). Regardless of the actual relationship that might have existed prior to the death, we have the tendency to idealize the relationship once death has occurred and we expect expressi ons of normal grief. Unfortunately, normal grief is whatRead MoreA Critical Comparison Of Expressions Of Grief1419 Words   |  6 PagesA Critical Comparison of Expressions of Grief in Asia Death is universal and while grief is a common reaction to this inevitable occurrence, responses can be varied across Asian cultures. Ethnographic accounts reveal how grief and bereavement is expressed in this region and provides a basis for discussion. By concentrating on specific Asian regions, it is possible to identify the similarities or differences between the experiences and expressions of grief within Asia, contrary to Western perspectivesRead MoreHealthy Grief: Applying Kubler-Ross Five Stages of Grief to the Story of Job in the Bible1005 Words   |  4 PagesHealthy Grief: Kubler-Ross 5 Stages of Grief and the Story of Job in the Bible In her seminal work on grief and grieving, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross introduced the concept now very well known as the Five (5) Stages of Grief, enumerated chronologically as follows: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. In this concept, Kubler-Ross explored and discussed the normative stages that people go through when they experience the loss of a loved one and feel grief as result of this loss. It is

Monday, December 9, 2019

Essay on Psychological Profiling By

Question: Write an essay on Psychological Profiling? Answer: Key concepts of psychological profiling: As per the David Canters Investigative Psychology (DCIP), the main assumptions are highlighted through the subsections as interpersonal coherence, time and place importance, criminal characteristics and criminal career. Going by the DCIP 1st assumption, a normal dealing of the victims by the criminals as with other persons in daily life prevents the identification of criminals through behavioral observation. Clues about personal life and residence of the offender are assumed through the time and place as per 2nd assumption (Canter and Alison, 2012). The 3rd assumption emphasizes on relating the crime and offender to let the difference identified to lead to a classification system. The FBI crime scene analysis identifies the organized, disorganized and mixed types of crime typologies based on differences. David Canter however, rejected it due to the characteristic of overlapping. The 4th assumption of DCIP is the criminal career of the offender based on which, the nature and types of behavioral pattern of the crime is assessed. The Circle theory on the other hand, holds the view of considering crimes to possess a pattern and not being random (Tedeschi, 2013). The Five-Factor model resolves the issue of overlapping by using its five factors of personality traits that helps in description of human personality. The acronym OCEAN (Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism) can identify the factors (Chiaburu et al. 2011). Identification of criminals through psychological profiling: The theories as DCIP enable the conduction of psychological profiling that are helpful in developing profiles for rapists, murderers and other criminals to apprehend them. As per this theory, the characteristics of the crime are well observed and analyzed to identify the personality, behavior, geographic location and demographic identifications of the criminal. Gardner (2011) asserted that the quality of the data retrieved dictates the process of profiling. The psychological profiling refers to the sketching of the behavioral aspect of the suspected individual. In order to generate a profile, the process initiates with an extensive analysis of the nature of the concerned criminal act and comparing it to the previous similar criminal events. Performing an in-depth analysis of the actual crime scene helps in the identification of the significant facts and details indicating the various aspects of the prospective offender. Analysing the background and activities of the victim enables the identification of possible motives and connections for the crime. Alison and Rainbow (2011) supported it by stating that it assist in analysis of the prospective factors motivating the offender towards the criminal act. The profiling process concludes with the development of the descriptive factors for the offender based on the characteristics identified and compared to former cases. Identification and evaluation of behavioral patterns through profiling research: Based on the Canters Circle Theory of psychological profiling, the two major models describe the spatial behavior of the offender. The Marauder model and the Commuter model are 2 parts of this theory (Canter, 2011). The M-model stating the movement of an offender starting closer to home to the outer range of circle to the crime spot identifies the geographic descriptors to locate the offender, predicting the style of offence committed. The C-model on the other hand, stating that the offenders tend to travel from distant place to closer criminal spots related to their home base to commit the crime, thus identifying a distinct behavioral pattern of the offender. The circle theory uses the offenders previously identified crimes to predict the residential base of the offender. It constructs a circle for the criminals hypothetical range of crime (Van Daele and Vander Beken, 2011). It thus, identifies the relation between the residential base and criminal range of the criminals through the M-model and C-model of spatial behavior. Another theory DCIP, provide description and classification of the prime matters to consider in criminal profiling. It relates the criminals with their activities. With a consideration of the major factors, the theory relates the offender with the evidences found in the crime scene. The behavioral pattern of the criminal is assessed through the close and deep observation of the evidences at the crime scene. The removal of evidence in a planned way, or leaving of clues through evidences denotes the specific patterns of behavior of the offender (Youngs and Canter, 2012). Strengths and weaknesses of 2 psychological theories in terms of appropriateness and effectiveness relating to criminal profiling: David Canters Investigative Psychology theory is highly efficient in identifying the potential offenders based on their psychological profiling. The CAPPS (Computer Aided Passenger Prescreening System) of criminal profiling developed at American Airlines Flight 77 at the Dulles Airport was seen to be able to identify two of the terrorists attacking the pentagon. However, a major weakness of this theory is that due to the broadness of the profiling, several innocent individuals end up with questioning and detention uselessly thus wasting time and energy along with posing an honor risk to those people (Alison and Rainbow, 2011). It raises the ethical issues of detaining an innocent. This theory takes into account the probable consistency of an offender from one criminal act to another. The risk of changes in the criminals behavior over time is a major weakness that renders this theory less effective in the profiling process. Taking the Circle theory of criminal profiling, the home location of an offender is efficiently identified by the examination of the evidences at crime scene. With the occurrence of each crime in a series, the locating efficiency becomes more specific (Ainsworth, 2013). Through mapping of the crime locations, it helps in identifying the base of the offender. Although the theory is efficient in locating the serial criminals as rapists or murderers but it fails to locate the one time criminals efficiently due to lack of previous or future criminal acts. The theory faces restriction while applying in a rural area due to limited residential search in the implied 2 miles radius of its circle. It also suffers from a cloud of non-clearance regarding the labeling of the offenders (Mohler and Short, 2012). References Ainsworth, P. (2013).Offender Profiling Crime Analysis. Willan Alison, L., and Rainbow, L. (Eds.). (2011).Professionalizing offender profiling: Forensic and investigative psychology in practice. Taylor Francis. Canter, D. V. (2011). Resolving the offender profiling equations and the emergence of an investigative psychology.Current Directions in Psychological Science,20(1), 5-10. Canter, D., and Alison, L. (Eds.). (2012).Profiling in policy and practice(Vol. 2). Ashgate Publishing, Ltd Chiaburu, D. S., Oh, I. S., Berry, C. M., Li, N., and Gardner, R. G. (2011). The five-factor model of personality traits and organizational citizenship behaviors: a meta-analysis.Journal of Applied Psychology,96(6), 1140. Gardner, H. (2011).Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. Basic books. Mohler, G. O., and Short, M. B. (2012). Geographic profiling from kinetic models of criminal behavior.SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics,72(1), 163-180. Tedeschi, J. T. (Ed.). (2013).Impression management theory and social psychological research. Academic Press Van Daele, S., and Vander Beken, T. (2011). Outbound offending: The journey to crime and crime sprees.Journal of environmental psychology,31(1), 70-78. Youngs, D., and Canter, D. V. (2012). Narrative roles in criminal action: An integrative framework for differentiating offenders.Legal and Criminological Psychology,17(2), 233-249.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Join to freeessay Essays - Advantege, Television Companies

TELEV?S?ON As you probably know,Television is one of indispensible comunication devices for people.There arent any hause in the world without television. Whole people spend time in front of television everyday ?t provide a lot of advantages and disadvantages for us.This essay was written about them. On the one hand ,television is useful.When people want to get some daily news ,They must only sit frond of tv and watch it .People are heard immediately by television when something happens about the?r country or the world. This is major advantege for every people. In addition,people often prefer to watching film on TV to watching film in cinema because it is free and also hauses are more comfortable than cinemas.More of series are published on TV by television companies .People can watch series witch they like. On the other hand,Some people spent a lot of time on TV.They watch tv for long hours.?t causes people be lazy and sick the?r eyes.People have to watch TV as needed.?f they lost control,?t will be very dangerous fort hem.Another drawback is bad publications and programmes on TV.Expecially children are effected too much,therefor parents never let to the?r children watch TV after 12 oclock.Experts are attending Briefly,Television has a lot of advantages and drawbacks,however if you ask to me my choice,I say television is crucial device for people. ?ts advanteges are much more than disadvantages.I want to say that before finish my essay,Television is benefit for people if it is used as needed.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on The Traditional Family

â€Å"The Traditional Family† In todays rapidly changing society, the definition of many things that used to be considered normal are now seen to be obsolete. This is evident in all walks of life but more recently is apparent right in our very homes. The so-called â€Å"traditional family† of the past consists of a husband, a wife, 1-2 children, and in most cases a pet. They had good family values with very low occurrences of infidelity amongst spouses. The children would show a great amount of respect toward their parents and would help with all of the chores around the house. Today there is no clear definition of what a family is. With changing laws and changing views on life by society, a â€Å"family† today could be considered just about any combination of things. Values today are all but forgotten, with kids disrespecting their parents and basically â€Å"running wild†. Today in 2003, it is unmistakable that the â€Å"traditional family† with â€Å"traditional values† that go with it are out of date. This is apparent through three things; divorce rates are higher than ever and continue to grow; there is a total lack of discipline for youths; and with new laws in place, gay people are legally allowed to be married. Family is defined as a household of parents and their children. This is clearly an outdated definition with the escalating divorce rate amongst families. Divorce rates have gone up 600% since the â€Å"no fault divorce† law in Canada was passed 30 years ago. Today, approximately a third of marriages fail and one third of those involve children. The number of children living with both parents declined from 85-68% between 1970-1996. ( Watching their parents go through a messy divorce can have very harmful effects on children. It can lead to disobedience because their mother may have completely different views than their father on certain issues. For instance, a father may be against his ch... Free Essays on The Traditional Family Free Essays on The Traditional Family â€Å"The Traditional Family† In todays rapidly changing society, the definition of many things that used to be considered normal are now seen to be obsolete. This is evident in all walks of life but more recently is apparent right in our very homes. The so-called â€Å"traditional family† of the past consists of a husband, a wife, 1-2 children, and in most cases a pet. They had good family values with very low occurrences of infidelity amongst spouses. The children would show a great amount of respect toward their parents and would help with all of the chores around the house. Today there is no clear definition of what a family is. With changing laws and changing views on life by society, a â€Å"family† today could be considered just about any combination of things. Values today are all but forgotten, with kids disrespecting their parents and basically â€Å"running wild†. Today in 2003, it is unmistakable that the â€Å"traditional family† with â€Å"traditional values† that go with it are out of date. This is apparent through three things; divorce rates are higher than ever and continue to grow; there is a total lack of discipline for youths; and with new laws in place, gay people are legally allowed to be married. Family is defined as a household of parents and their children. This is clearly an outdated definition with the escalating divorce rate amongst families. Divorce rates have gone up 600% since the â€Å"no fault divorce† law in Canada was passed 30 years ago. Today, approximately a third of marriages fail and one third of those involve children. The number of children living with both parents declined from 85-68% between 1970-1996. ( Watching their parents go through a messy divorce can have very harmful effects on children. It can lead to disobedience because their mother may have completely different views than their father on certain issues. For instance, a father may be against his ch...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Make Bubble Print Pictures

How to Make Bubble Print Pictures Bubble prints are like fingerprints, except made with bubbles. You can make bubble prints and learn about how bubbles are shaped and how pigments combine to make different colors. Bubble Print Materials Bubble prints are made by coloring bubble solution, blowing bubbles, and pressing paper onto the bubbles. You need brightly-colored bubbles in order to get a good picture. Tempera paint powder works really well, but you can substitute other water-soluble paints if you like. bubble solution (buy it or make your own)tempera paint powderpaperstrawssmall plates Make Colored Bubble Solution Pour a little bubble solution onto the bottom of a plate.Stir in paint powder until you have a thick paint. You want the thickest paint you can get, yet still be able to make bubbles using it. If you get the three primary colors of tempera paint then you can mix them in order to make other colors. You can add black or white paint, too. Primary Colors BlueRedYellow Secondary Colors - Made by mixing two primary colors together. Green Blue YellowOrange Yellow RedPurple Red Blue Make Bubble Prints Put the straw into the paint and blow bubbles. It may help to tilt the dish slightly. You can experiment with a few large bubbles versus many small bubbles.Touch the bubbles with a sheet of paper. Dont press the paper down into the paint - just catch the impressions of the bubbles.You can switch between colors. For multicolored bubbles, add two colors together but dont mix them. Blow bubbles into the un-mixed paints. Learn About Bubbles Bubbles consist of a thin film of soapy water filled with air. When you blow a bubble, the film expands outward. The forces acting between the molecules of the bubble cause it to form the shape that encloses the most volume with the least surface area a sphere. Look at the bubble prints that you have made. When bubbles stack, do they remain spheres? No, when two bubbles meet, they will merge walls to minimize their surface area. If bubbles that are the same size meet, then the wall that separates them will be flat. If bubbles that are different sizes meet, then the smaller bubble will bulge into the large bubble. Bubbles meet to form walls at an angle of 120Â °. If enough bubbles meet, the cells will form hexagons. You can see this structure in the images you make in this project.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Should smoking be outlawed in public areas Essay

Should smoking be outlawed in public areas - Essay Example public places should be outlawed, because it causes passive smoking, where those who are not smoking and perhaps are not smokers end up inhaling the smoke. This passive smoking has various effects; causes cancer, irritation, complications in children, fertility problems among others. Tobacco smoke includes over 4000 chemicals in the form of particles, and in these, approximately 60 substances contained in the tobacco smoke are known to causes of cancer. Lung cancer is the most common form of cancer caused by smoking. It is estimated that passive smokers have a 25% chance of developing lung cancer. Passive smoking causes irritation especially to non-smokers. The irritation may be visible irritation, but cigarette smoke is known to contain substances that cause irritation to the tissues of the respiratory system. There can also be irritation of the eye, causes cough, migraines, dizziness, nausea and other forms of irritation that the different non-smokers may exhibit. Children’s’ immune system is not fully developed, and passive smoking is extremely dangerous on them. Some of its effects on children are; asthmatic attacks, it may affect the mental growth of children. Studies also show that exposing children to passive smoking makes them more vulnerable to bronchitis and pneumonia, and will most likely be admitted in hospital for treatment in their first year of life. Passive smoking also causes fertility problems in women. Women affected by passive smoking have a 68% chance of developing fertility complications than those who have not been exposed. They may experience miscarriages and may find it very difficult to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Community Health Nursing assignment #2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Community Health Nursing #2 - Assignment Example An initial fundamental strategy entails structuring nursing curricula to embrace cultural sensitivity. Professionals within culturally competent health care systems should have adequate training in relation to providing care services to persons with varies beliefs, heritage, behaviors, and attitudes. Besides training and structuring culturally sensitive professionals, health care systems should embrace diversity by employing professionals from different cultural backgrounds (Clark, 2008). Primary strategies relates to environmental protection programs and initiatives aimed at preserving natural resources. For instance, nurses can carry out campaigns aimed at energy conservation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Secondary strategies include may include carrying disease and unhealthy environmental screening strategies aimed at reducing prevalence or increasing sensitivity towards. For instance, screening and testing community water for presence of lead would help prevent heavy metal poisoning. Tertiary strategies entails collective responsibility of families, nurses, and probably political campaigns aimed at carrying out civic education for environmentally caused health problems. It is the role of a community health nurses to carry out awareness and educate their clients of better strategies to curb environmental health issues (Clark, 2008) Basic knowledge in health issues by community members is imperative in ensuring successful health promotions and education. Persons with health literacy easily understand nursing language and consequently aid in realization of improved health. Such remains possible as the community participate actively in health promotions and education. In the process of organizing for community empowerment, imperative elements applied include research, evaluation, rehabilitation, healthy living promotion, health problems prevention, and rehabilitation

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Assessment Methods Essay Example for Free

Assessment Methods Essay What is assessment? Black and William (1998) declare that the term assessment is generally used to refer to all activities teachers use to help students learn and to gauge student progress. There are many different forms of assessment, however they can generally be divided into two main categories; formative and summative which can be formal or informal. Formative assessment focuses on the gap between where a learner is in their learning, and where they need to be. Marshall (2006) states that formative assessment gives you more flexibility, your assessments can focus on the individual needs of your learners. Formative assessment is usually carried out during the learning process and is a form of giving feedback to the learner, in order for them to understand how they are progressing and to identify areas that may require further attention and what they need to do to achieve the learning outcome. Summative Assessment on the other hand tends to be a formal measuring of the learning and focuses on the achievements of the learner at a particular time. This could be at the end of a term or at the end of a particular program of study. It is generally used to identify if the learner has achieved a level of competence and/or knowledge. Summative assessments can take the form of test, exams Practical, oral or written, the individual is usually given a score which can result in a pass or fail. Assessments can be Objective or Subjective. When assessments are objective, the questions asked have a single correct answer; these questions can take the form of multiple choice or true and false answers. When assessments are subjective, the questions asked may have more than one answer and can take the form of a written response such as an essay. There are also criterion-referenced and norm-referenced assessments. A criteria-referenced assessment measures what a learner can actually do (their competence) and it is measured against a set standard, an example of this is the current driving test. Whereas, norm-measured assessment compares learners one against each other, an example being the IQ test. As a teacher in my teaching practice I use a variety of assessment processes. I use criteria based formative assessment in the skills-based Basic First Aid course; learners are expected to be able to perform effective CPR and to be deemed competent they are measured against a set criteria defined by the Resuscitation council and Health Safety Executive regulations. I use observation to measure whether they meet these criteria. However the assessment required for the First Aid at Work course, which is more in depth, requires a summative assessment, which takes the form of objective questioning to ascertain if the learner has gained clearly defined knowledge base and a practical skill test to ascertain if the learner is able to perform effective first aid. This assessment is a defined pass or fail. All learners on our NVQ program are measured by performance criteria which define the context for assessment laid down by the accrediting bodies, and both formative and summative criteria-based assessments are used. This allows the assessor to give students feedback on their development and on areas that may require further attention and also to observe when they have reached occupational competency. All assessment processes must first start with an initial assessment. Black and William (1998) suggest that this initial assessment (for learning) focuses on the gap between where a learner is in their learning, and where they need to be. This assessment is a good starting point to discover what skills your learner has and to direct them to the next stage. I carry out an initial assessment on candidates undertaking NVQ training. This is used as a tool to develop an individual learning plan for them. During this assessment process we would ask the candidates to complete different forms and questionnaires in order to gather the information for their plan. This would include a numeracy and literacy test to judge their level of skills and to ascertain if they will need to be referred for extra help and a learning styles questionnaire so that we can tailor any training towards their preferred learning style. Initial assessment can also be used informally at the beginning of a course as a tool to establish learners existing knowledge and expectations. This information can be used to bias the teaching towards the needs of the learners and also focus the learning towards the learners’ expectations. Other types of assessment can be used to judge whether a learner has made progress such as self-assessment. This is where the student reflects upon their own progress and assesses their own development and achievements made during their learning journey; or it can be a peer-assessment, where the learners peers (who are on the same learning journey) assess the learners developments and achievements through observation of their practice during the journey; or third party, which is where another person not on the learning journey, assesses the learners progress by examining how they have put the knowledge/ skills they have learnt into practice, (these would be a supervisor or manager). Assessment can occur in a number of ways including observation, watching and evaluating the learners progress which works well for practical skills-based courses; written questions to gain an understanding of the learners knowledge in their own words, although this can discriminate against those whose written English skills are less developed; Multiple Choice questionnaires, again this is to assess their understanding of the taught material, and ensures equal opportunities for everyone as it is suitable for those who may be concerned about their writing / spelling or who may be nervous. Please see assignment 8. 3. 6 record keeping in regard to assessment record keeping. REFERENCES Black, Paul, William, Dylan (October 1998). Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment. Phi Beta Kappan. Available at http://www. pdkintl. org/kappan/kbla9810. htm. Marshall B. (2006) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector BTEC Level 3 Edexcel Limited London (page 81) Wikipedia (2009) Assessment (online) available at http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Assessment accessed on 11/12 Oct 09Ã'Ž

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Symbols, Symbolism, Imagery, and Theme in Robert Frosts The Road Not T

Symbolism, Imagery, and Theme in The Road Not Taken The Road Not Taken is told by one person - there is no designation as to sex, station in life or age. This person has come to a crossroads in their life and has two options to choose from. The place in this poem is a fork in a path in a forest, and time is not specified though it could happen today, so it would be considered a contemporary piece. The premise of the poem is that the subject faces and then makes a life decision. Symbolism and imagery are used effectively to reinforce the theme throughout the poem. One instance of symbolism in the first stanza is "And looked down one as far as I could / To where it bent in the und... ...; It is an ideal held by most people that the successful and satisfied people of the world are not afraid to take a more difficult road and march to a different drummer. This is exactly what the character in this poem did by not choosing the common path through life, and in the later years of his life, he or she had the satisfaction of knowing that the choices made where the correct ones.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Digestive System

Our digestive systems contain glands. These glands produce enzymes. Enzymes are catalysts. Catalysts make chemical reactions happen quicker and easier. Digestive enzymes help us to break down food easier. Our bodies make lots of different digestive enzymes. Each enzyme breaks down a particular food. When an enzyme has broken down one food molecule, it can then break down another molecule of the same kind. It can do this over and over again. It makes the reaction happen without being used up. In the digestive system, enzymes are produced to break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats into smaller soluble molecules from large food molecules. These spread through the tube of the small intestine and into the blood plasma (carbohydrates and proteins) or lymph (fats) and pass to the cells. The stomach makes hydrochloric acid to help the enzyme called pepsin work. Fats are difficult to digest and absorb because they are not soluble in water. To help with fat digestion the gall bladder produces bile this makes the fats smaller. This increases their surface area for enzymes to act on. In the mouth is saliva and they containing amylase produced by the salivary glands. This enzyme is used to break down starch/carbohydrates into glucose molecules. In the stomach is found Pepsin which breaks down proteins into amino acids. In the small intestine, parts of a large molecule of fat are broken down into smaller fatty acid and glycerol molecules. Below is how the different foods are digested by using enzymes: 1. Carbohydrates – Foods rich in carbohydrates include bread, potatoes, dried peas and beans, rice, pasta, fruits, and vegetables. Many of these foods contain both starch and fibre. The digestible carbohydrates such as starch and sugar are broken into simpler molecules by enzymes in the saliva, in juice produced by the pancreas, and in the lining of the small intestine. Starch is digested in two steps. First, an enzyme in the saliva and pancreatic juice breaks the starch into molecules called maltose. Then an enzyme in the lining of the small intestine splits the maltose into glucose molecules that can be absorbed into the blood. Glucose is carried through he bloodstream to the liver, where it is stored or used to provide energy for the work of the body. Sugars are digested in one step. An enzyme in the lining of the small intestine digests sucrose, also known as table sugar, into glucose and fructose, which are absorbed through the intestine into the blood. Milk contains another type of sugar, lactose, which is changed into absorbable molecules by another enzyme in the intestinal lining. 2. Protein – Foo ds such as meat, eggs, and beans consist of giant molecules of protein that must be digested by enzymes before they can be used to build and repair body tissues. An enzyme in the juice of the stomach starts the digestion of swallowed protein. Then in the small intestine, several enzymes from the pancreatic juice and the lining of the intestine complete the breakdown of huge protein molecules into small molecules called amino acids. These small molecules can be absorbed through the small intestine into the blood and then be carried to all parts of the body to build the walls and other parts of cells. 3. Fats – Fat molecules are a rich source of energy for the body. The first step in digestion of a fat such as butter is to dissolve it into the watery content of the intestine. The bile acids produced by the liver dissolve fat into tiny droplets and allow pancreatic and intestinal enzymes to break the large fat molecules into smaller ones. Some of these small molecules are fatty acids and cholesterol. The bile acids combine with the fatty acids and cholesterol and help these molecules move into the cells of the mucosa. In these cells the small molecules are formed back into large ones, most of which pass into vessels near the intestine. These small vessels carry the reformed fat to the veins of the chest, and the blood carries the fat to storage depots in different parts of the body. There are two theories on the process of chemical digestion, and they are the ‘induced fit’ and the ‘lock and key’ theory. Enzymes are specific to reactants (known as substrates). That is, enzymes only catalyze one type of reaction. Induced fit is where an enzyme almost closes around the substrate like a baseball glove around the ball. And the induced fit model says that when a substrate binds to an enzyme, the enzyme temporarily changes shape to accommodate the substrate. While the enzyme is still specific to substrates, it is not as if the substrate is a perfect fit on the active site of the enzyme. After the reaction is complete, the enzyme returns back to its original shape, ready to be reused. Lock and key is simply that the theory states that an enzymes’ active site is the exact shape of the substrate, and that the substrate neatly fits in. Also another way to look at it is that the enzyme is like a lock, and the substrate is like a key. Only specific substrate works with an enzyme, just like a specific key is required for a lock. The lock represents the active site on the enzyme, where the substrate binds. So both are substrates specific, just one model states that the enzyme moulds to fit the substrate whereas the other says that the site is already shaped around the substrate. In recent research however, the lock and key model is disputed, with the induced fit being more likely. While the induced fit model is more likely to be correct from current evidence, the lock and key model is still used because it allows a simple diagrammatic way to understand the specificity of enzymes.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Importance of Biogas plant Essay

The energy prospect is generally assessed on the basis of available commercial sources of energy i.e., fossil fuel like gas, coal, oil etc. Worldwide, there is a major transition underway in the energy sector. Biogas can be a potential source of renewable energy, Residues from biogas also proven as a significant source of organic fertilizer. If there is proper policy and implementation, Bangladesh’s energy crisis and organic fertilizer demand can be control through biogas plant. 1. Introduction By 2020, the world is throwing into turmoil as demand for energy begins to greatly exceed the supply – crippling many economies and triggering widespread social unrest. Many countries in the West may experience a decline in living standards – with oil rationing and conservation measures introduced by governments and substantial reductions in travel, tourism and aviation. The crisis plays out for nearly two decades, gradually being resolved by a switch to renewable energy and alternative fuel technologies. In Bangladesh context, neither the decision-makers nor the experts pay due importance on proper extraction and use of renewable energy. Here grater population is using natural gas and imported oil, with the present rate of consumption, natural energy resources like gas will be exhausted shortly and this is high time to derive policy and practice for exploration and use of alternative renewable sources if we want to meet energy crisis in near future. Biogas has been fou nd to be a proven renewable energy option. 2. Biogas Biogas, a cheap secondary renewable energy, is a gaseous fuel obtained from biomass by the process of anaerobic digestion or fermentation. Biogas fermentation is the process by which organic materials such as human or animal excreta, domestic wastage, agricultural wastage etc, are degraded, by huge quantities of various microbes of different functions, under anaerobic conditions, to yield methane (about 55-70% content), carbon dioxide (about 3045% content) and low amount of other gases in the end. Biogas can be used as a vehicle fuel or for generating electricity. It can also be burned directly for cooking, heating, lighting, process heat and absorption refrigeration. Cattle dung, agricultural residue, poultry dropping, water hyacinth, human excreta may be used as raw materials for biogas plants. A typical biogas plant consists of a digester in which the slurry (dung mixed with water) is fermented; an inlet tank used to mix the feed and let it into the digester; a gas holder/ dome in which the generated gas is collected; an outlet tank to remove the spent slurry; distribution pipelines to take the gas into the kitchen. 3. How Biogas produced Biogas is produced by the anaerobic digestion or fermentation of biodegradable materials such as biomass, manure, sewage, municipal waste, green waste, plant material, and crops. Biogas comprises primarily methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and may have small amounts of hydrogen sulphide (H2S), moisture and siloxanes. The gases methane, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide (CO) can be combusted or oxidized with oxygen. This energy release allows biogas to be used as a fuel. Biogas can be used as a fuel in any country for any heating purpose, such as cooking. It can also be used in anaerobic digesters where it is typically used in a gas engine to convert the energy in the gas into electricity and heat. Biogas can be compressed, much like natural gas, and used to power motor vehicles. 4. Advantages of Biogas Technology: A potential source of renewable energy. A source of improved organic fertilizer. A mechanism for wastage management. Save environment. 4.1 A potential source of renewable energy. Energy is one of the basic ingredients required to alleviate poverty and socio-economic development. The energy prospect is generally assessed on the basis of available commercial sources of energy i.e., fossil fuel like gas, coal, oil etc. Worldwide, there is a major transition underway in the energy sector. It is happening due to the following three major reasons: (I) A decline in fossil fuel availability, their predicted gradual extinction in the next Few decades and the resultant price volatility due to demand-supply gap. (ii) The need to drastically cut global emissions for mitigating climate change (80% Reduction by 2050). (iii) The need for energy security. In Bangladesh efficient utilization of renewable energy resources is yet to assume commercial dimensions and hence rational policy dissemination on renewable energy usage is essential. The renewable energy includes solar, wind, biogas and biomass; hydro, geothermal, tidal wave etc. Despite of above scenario biogas source can be use as a potential source of renewable energy. 4.2 A source of improved organic fertilizer. Bio product of biogas plant is improved organic fertilizer. This fertilizer contains organic component like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium &Micro Nutrients: Nitrogen: Producing compost fertilizer Nitrogen losses calculated 50 % in every three months at the time of aerobic fermentation, on the other hand 10 % losses calculated while producing from biogas residues – Figure- 2 shows, Nutrition’s comparison between Chemical fertilizer and biogas residues from Biogas plant (Production in percentage): Biogas can outline sustainable land use. Reduced use of fertilizers and insecticides compared with lands used for row crops, protection of riparian areas, and erosion protection for sensitive land areas. 4.3 A mechanism for Wastage management Municipal waste is the abandoned materials which have been thrown away after use in daily life in the urban area. Municipal waste generally compose of food scrap, packaging materials, used plastic materials, tire etc. Due to the increasing growth of urban population in Bangladesh this municipal waste is getting high concerns from the management perspective. Also the management of this huge amount of waste is a worth of large expense. The huge amount of waste in the urban areas of Bangladesh due the rapid growth of population can be a potential source of biogas production. The calculation shows that by adopting active biogas collection procedure in the major landfills of the main cities can produce 319989.36 KWh of electricity. Recommendations are given to develop this technology within minimized cost and ensuring environmental safety. The unhygienic dumping zones in every city could me turned into a potential source of renewable energy by adopting active gas collection technology instead of spending money to manage the waste in that areas and keeping a huge land area unused. To explore the untouched potential of biogas source of municipal waste following actions are recommended: -To attract the investment in this sector government should demonstrate one pilot project with the help of foreign Development partners. -Private sectors should be given incentives to invest in biogas from municipal waste. -The technologies used in the countries successfully adopted waste to electricity system should be imported with necessary subsidies. -To facilitate the consciousness media should be used properly. 4.4 Save Environment. The greenhouse effect is caused by gases in the atmosphere (mainly carbon dioxide, CO2) which allow the sun’s short wave radiation to reach the earth surface while they absorb, to a large degree, the long wave heat radiation from the earth’s surface and from the atmosphere. Due to the â€Å"natural greenhouse effect† of the earth’s atmosphere the average temperature on earth is 15 °C and not minus 18 °C. The increase of the so called greenhouse gases which also include methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, etc. cause a rise of the earth’s temperature. The World Bank Group expects a rise in sea levels until the year 2050 of up to 50 cm. Flooding, erosion of the coasts, Stalinization of ground water and loss of land are but a few of the consequences mentioned. Until now, instruments to reduce the greenhouse effect considered primarily the reduction of CO2-emissions, due to their high proportion in the atmosphere. Though other greenhouse gases appear to be only a small portion of the atmosphere, they cause much more harm to the climate. Methane is not only the second most important greenhouse gas (it contributes with 20% to the effect while carbon dioxide causes 62%), it has also a 25 times higher global warming potential compared with carbon dioxide in a time horizon of 100 years. The Bio gas plant effectively reduces the amount of methane directly released into the atmosphere, by trapping it and facilitating its use as a green fuel. After burning, methane only releases harmless gases in air. Other uses of biogas: With the help of biogas we can drive gas generator to produce electricity in rural area. We can use gas incubator to produce poultry chicken from egg. We can use gas lantern by using bio gas in night time in village area. Hotel and restaurant can use biogas for cooking purposes by using the residue of vegetable and food waste. We can drive gas hitter for hitting water during winter season. Different poultry and dairy farm can mitigate their need of gas by using their own animal excreta. 5. Biogas significance in Bangladesh As a country of large population and for the convenient environment Biogas might be the potential source of energy. Though recently government has initiated some pilot project with the help of some foreign NGOs, but the utilization of the full potential is yet to reach. The main problem is lying in lack of public awareness and social prejudices. Government should supply the needed equipments to the private organization with less expense to encourage the involvement in this sector. 5.1 Types of Biogas Digester invented by Bangladesh government organization’s LGED: There are three types of basic designs of biogas plants tried in Bangladesh: (I) Floating cover digester: It works on the principle of constant pressure, changing volume. The digester, cylindrical well, commonly made from brick and cement, is covered with a floating steel cylinder with an open bottom (Fig. A). As the cylinder has a constant weight, it moves up when gas production is higher than consumption and comes down under the reverse conditions. (ii) Fixed cover digester: It works according to the principle, constant volume, changing pressure. When the rate of gas production is higher than that of gas consumption pressure inside the digester rises and expels some digester contents into the outlet compartment. When the consumption is higher than production, pressure inside the digester falls and the expelled materials in the outlet compartment run back to the digester (iii) Plastic Cover digester: A long cylindrical polythene/PVC bag, half-buried longitudinally in the ground, is fed with fresh cow-dung slurry at one end and discharged at the other. With the formation of gas, the bag swells like a balloon and the gasis led out to the point of use through a pipe by putting pressure on the balloon form outside In early 80’s, the floating type design was used for biogas plant. But dueto corrosion of the steel dome, the gas leakage problem happened and it could not be removed. Later on BCSIR tried with fixed done type desig n and it has been successful in all biogas plants. The plastic bag type designs not used in Bangladesh it is used in China. In this project, the fixed dome type design has been proposed. 5.2 Availability of biomass in Bangladesh for energy generation. The total annual generation and recoverable amounts of biomass in Bangladesh are about 165 and 9 MT/year respectively. Agricultural residues represent 48% of the total recoverable biomass followed by 23.9% from animal wastes and poultry droppings. In 2006, the biomass consumption for energy in Bangladesh was about 350 pico-Joules (PJ). At an average annual growth rate of 1.3%, the consumption in 2010 will be about 370 PJ. The total recoverable biomass energy of the country in 2006 was about 1250 PJ from which about 820 PJ of biomass energy was available for electricity generation. On the other hand, the total biomass energy consumption in 2006 was about 473 PJ. Assuming the same average annual growth rate of 1.3%, the biomass consumption in 2010 will be about 286 PJ. Therefore, the amount of biomass energy available in 2006 was 777 PJ, which is equivalent to 216 terawatt-hours (TWh). According to these two estimates and considering that the consumption of biomass for non-energy purposes is negligible, the annual available biomass energy potential for electricity generation in Bangladesh is in the range of 216- 250 TWh. 5.3 Present biogas Generation Rate: According to Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) sources, Bangladesh has 215,000 poultry farms and 15,000 cattle farms where electricity could be generated by establishing biogas plants. So far, 35,000 biogas plants have been established for the production of gas for cooking purposes in the rural areas. IDCOL has set a target of establishing 60,000 biogas plants by 2012, each of which could produce, on average, 94.22 square feet of gas. At present, 3.3 million square feet biogas is being produced in the country. 5.4 Affordability Biogas is a proven technology; there is no risk of failure if proper design and supervision can be ensured. Most of the micro finance institutions are now convinced and took decision to provide loan for the construction of Biogas plants. Most of the urban poor can not afford gas connection as it costs Tk. 200 to Tk. 400 per month. Instead they can install Biogas plants with. Bank loan and repay the loan out of their fuel savings ‘domestic’ size Biogas plant of 100 cft capacity cost Tk. 15,000 to Tk.18, 000 and can meet the cooking energy need for a five- member family. Impact on health and environment: Large scale bio energy development in Bangladesh could bring significant environmental benefits. Sustainable bioenergy development could: Reduce higher level of deforestation. Reduce net greenhouse gas emissions. Improve air quality and reduce acid deposition. Improve soil quality and reduce erosion. Reduce land filling by adding value to residues. 5.5 Few case study: Biogas plants in different institution: LGED has constructed 61 Biogas plants in different educational institutes, orphanages, hospitals, school/college hostels for solving the sanitation problems and getting biogas as an alternative energy source. One of these important plants is in Faridpur orphanage. There are 250students and staff in Faridpur orphanage. For their night soil disposal they needed to construct a septic tank for 250 users with Tk.60, 000. LGED in mid 1992 constructed a Biogas plant with Tk. 16,000which served the purpose of septic tank as well as a source of gas and fertilizer. This has reduced the investment by Tk. 34,000 and the mission has been saving Tk. 25,000 against fuel cost per year. Case 1: Ganaktuli Sweeper colony, Dhaka: There are five buildings for sweepers and 40 families reside in each building. The latrines of the buildings were not connected with any septic tank or sewerage system. Previously, night soil was passing through surface drain creating health hazard. To connect the latrines of building No-I to the nearby sewerage line Tk. 60,000 and to construct a septic tank for 221 users of the building Tk. 50,000 were necessary. Instead, LGED constructed a Biogas plant for Tk. 20,000 in 1993which is working till today without any problem giving sufficient gas to meet fuel need of all families of 1 building. There was some maintenance for leakage and Tk. 300 was spent. Observing the performance of the plant, residents of other 4 buildings created pressure on the city corporation to construct similar plant in those buildings. By now Biogas plants have been constructed in all the remaining 4 buildings. Case 2: ‘Ecological Village’ Amgram/Uttar Hogla in Madaripur: LGED took up ‘Ecovillage’ project on experimental basis as pilot programme with the objectives to make the villagers aware about environment and technology, create clear, healthy and acceptable environment in the villages and inspire the people around the villages to accept such project. There are 662 people in the village in 123 families. Besides other socio economic activities, the following facilities were also provided: There was no latrine in the village and 95latrines were constructed. As an alternative source of energy 15  Biogas plants were installed, three persons were trained in the construction of Biogas plant. The Biogas plants are providing energy input to the villagers. 6. Conclusion: Different implementing agencies in Bangladesh, which are active in promoting bio gasification technology, are not paying sufficient attention to effective and focused groupcollaborative R&D aimed at renovating, optimising and improving the design for adaptation to local conditions. Limited R&D facilities and capabilities and lack of co-ordination among the researchers and implementing authorities may well pose a major stumbling-block towards the success of this endeavour. Moreover, the follow-up action program is also very limited. Sometimes, the plant-owners do not get proper technical guidance for the operation and maintenance of their plants. Thus, the successful application and extension of this option depends on: Institutional measures and close collaboration between sectors involved. This should include, among others, provision for soft loans and/or subsidy; availability of standard prototype for design and construction and site-specific maintenance guidelines; meaningful public involvement which should aim at passing relevant information of this technology to the community to increase awareness and promote acceptability of this technology; Accurate calculation of the benefits of this technology. Biomass could play a role in reducing C02 emissions in both of these sectors. As the slurry remains in the digester for 30-40 days in anaerobic condition, the effluent becomes pathogen free and the output is smell-free combustible gas and organic fertilizer which is improving the environment and preventing diseases. At present Bangladesh meet 46.15% of its energy need by agricultural residue, 10.5% by cow dung, 12.9% by fuel wood and 33% by tree residue. This means that to meet our energy need we are depriving, ourselves from organic fertilizer and creating environmental imbalance by  deforestation. One pragmatic estimate puts that the use of biogas will reduce energy deficit at least by 15%. Reference: Bangladesh Power Development Board. Annual Report of 2006-2007. Dhaka, Bangladesh: BPDB, 2008. Available Biogas Digest,Vol 1, Information and Advisory Service on Appropriate Technology (ISAT),GTZ (PREGA), Bangladesh Country Report,2003. Obozov, A.D. and Asankulova, â€Å"Biogas in Kyrgyzstan†, Applied Solar Energy, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 262–265 Waste Concern Database, M. Alamgir and A. Ahsan,† Municipal Solid Waste and Recovery Potential: Bangladesh Perspective† ,Iran. J. Environ. Health. Sci. Eng., 2007, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 67-76 S. Karapidakis and Anna Tsave,â€Å"Electric Power Production by Biogas Generation at Volos Landfill in Greece† Applied Solar Energy, submitted for publication Dr.M.Eusuf, Technological Feasibility of CDM Project Dhaka City Solid Waste.NTE.Bangladesh JICA (2004) Solid Waste Management Project of Dhaka City Corporation, Final Report of JICA Expert, Bangladesh. Available:†¦/CleanDhakaMasterPlanMain.pdf ICAR paper (report issued by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi) Winrock International, Nepal Biogas Support Program (BSP) Nepal, Accessed from google on 10th September 2012. Official website of Renewable energy information network, Bangladesh. Available at: Accessed on 12 September 2012. Biogas program Grameen Shakti 4 Accessed on 12 September 2012. Bangladesh electricity production from renewable sources. Available at: Renewable Energy Prospects & Trends in Bangladesh Presented by-Mazharul Islam. Bangladesh Power Development Board. ZakariaMahbub, Husnain-Al-Bustam, SuvroShahriar, T.M. IftakharUddin, AbrarSaad, â€Å"International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)†, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2012, pp.896-902. Md. M. Biswas, Kamol K. Das, Ifat A. Baqee, Mohammad A. H. Sadi, Hossain M. S. Farhad, â€Å"Prospects of Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Systems in Bangladesh and Developing Economics†, Global Journal of researches in engineering , Volume 11 Issue 5 Version 1.0 July 2011. Website of Wikipedia on Renewable energy. Available at: Electricity_sector_in_Bangladesh#Renewable_energy Md. ZunaidBaten, EmranMd.Amin, AnikaSharin, Raisul Islam, Shahriar A. Chowdhury, â€Å"Renewable Energy Scenario of Bangladesh: Physical Perspective†, International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRT) 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Mir NahidulAmbia, Md. Kafiul Islam, Md. AsaduzzamanShoeb, Md. Nasimul Islam Maruf, A.S.M. Mohsin, â€Å"An Analysis & Design on Micro Generation of A Domestic SolarWind Hybrid Energy System for Rural & Remote Areas-Perspective Bangladesh.† 2010. Website of Wikipedia on biogas. Available at: Potential of micro hydro power units in Bangladesh. Available at: How wind turbine works. Available at:

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Modifying Words and Phrases to Express Opinions

Modifying Words and Phrases to Express Opinions There are a number of words and phrases that can help express your opinion. These words and phrases are common in creative writing, writing reports, and other types of writing intended to persuade. Giving Your Opinion Using a modifying word can help you express your opinion when making a statement. For example: Investing in high-tech stocks is risky. You could agree or disagree with this statement. Using a word such as undoubtedly expresses your own opinion about the statement. Here are some other modifying words and phrases that can help: (Most) assuredly adjective: ​These investments will most assuredly help to build equity.Without a doubt clause: Without a doubt, this investment is risky.It is doubtful that clause: It is doubtful that we will succeed with this attitude. Qualifying Your Opinion Sometimes, when giving an opinion it is important to qualify what you say by leaving room for other interpretations. For example, There is hardly any doubt that we will succeed. leaves room for other interpretations (hardly any doubt a little room for doubt). Here are some other modifying words and phrases that can help qualify your opinion: Almost/nearly adjective: Its nearly impossible to make a mistake.Largely/mainly noun: Its largely a matter of getting the facts right.Many ways/some ways it/this/that, etc: In many ways, ​its a sure bet. Making a Strong Assertion Certain words mark strong opinions about something you believe. For example, It is not true that I implied you were wrong. is strengthened by adding the word just: It is just not true that I implied you were wrong. Here are some other modifying words and phrases that can help strengthen an assertion: Simply/just adjective: It is simply wrong to believe that about John.Mere noun: That is a mere distraction from the main point.Merely/only the first, last: This is merely the last in a number of problems.Sheer/utter noun: The sheer idiocy of the project speaks for itself. Emphasizing Your Point When stating that an action is increasingly true, these phrases help to emphasize. For example, We have decided over and over again that we need to continue down this path. Here are some other phrases that help to emphasize your point: More than adjective: It is more than likely he will fail.More and more adjective: Im afraid it is becoming more and more difficult to believe you. Giving Examples When stating your opinion it is important to give examples to support your statements. For example, It is more than likely he will fail. In the case of Mr. Smith, he failed to follow-up and caused us to pay heavy fines. The following phrases are used to give examples to back up your opinion. Such as noun: Critics of this policy, such as Jack Beam of Smith and Sons, say that ...This is an example of clause: This is an example of our need to diversify investments.In the case of noun: In the case of Ms. Anderson, the company decided to ... Summarizing Your Opinion Finally, it is important to summarize your opinion at the end of a report or other persuasive text. For example: In the end, it is important to remember that ... These phrases can be used to summarize your opinion: All in all,: All in all, I feel we need to diversify due to ...In the end,: In the end, we must decide quickly to implement this plan.In conclusion,: In conclusion, let me repeat my strong support for ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Every AP Biology Practice Test Available Free and Official

Every AP Biology Practice Test Available Free and Official SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Practice tests can help you get familiar with the structure of the AP Biology examand feel more comfortable with the types of questions you'll be expected to answer on test day. Studying with practice tests can also give you insight into the specific struggles you might have with the material as presented on the AP test. You can then focus your studying appropriately to tackle these problems. In this article, I'll list all the practice tests for AP Biology that you can find online and give you a few tips on how to use them effectively as study aids for both the AP test and any in-class tests you have throughout the school year. Official AP Biology PracticeExams Official practice tests provide the best preparation for the AP test.You can be sure that the questions are accurate representations of what you'll see on the final exam. Unfortunately, I could only find one official practice test for the new version of the AP Biology test since the format and content changed so recently (2012).However, this practice test also has other information that makes it more helpful. It tells you how to calculate your score and includes detailed answer explanations for each question at the end. Official Practice Test #1 Don't start your practice with this test. It's the most accurate preparation you'll have forthe real AP test, so you should save it for towards the end of your second semester when you feel confident that you've mastered the material. It's better to begin studying with the unofficial tests in the next section as a warm-up! You can also access official free-response questions from 2013, 2014, and 2015 on the College Board website. Free Response Questions The free-response section of the AP Biology test is usually considered to be the most difficult part, so it’s good to have a little extra practice with these even if you’re not answering them in the context of a full practice test. In addition to these resources, all AP teachers have access to a bunch of free official practice AP tests online. You can ask your teacher if he or she will print a couple out for you to use in your studying. It might take more than one apple to get those extra practice tests out of your teacher, but ultimately everyone has a price. Want to get a perfect 5 on your AP exam and an A in class? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. UnofficialAP Biology PracticeExams There are many unofficial AP Biology practice tests out there that you can use to help review the material.There’s nothing wrong with using these tests to get more practice, but try not to rely on them exclusively because they are not always totally accurate representations of the real AP Biology exam.Some are aligned with the format of the pre-2012 exam, and some are just multiple-choice tests of varying lengths with no free response questions. Because the AP Biology exam has been revised, you'll get a more accurate estimate of how well you're doing if you use recent practice tests that are aligned with the new test's format. Before 2012, the AP Biology testhad 100 multiple-choice questions and four free-response questions rather than the current 63 multiple-choice questions, six grid-in questions, six short free-response questions, and two long free-response questions. The old test was also more memorization-based. On the current AP Biology exam, you'll have to answer a lot of questions that involve analyzing experimental data using your background knowledge of biology. You won't see questions that just ask you to do something like identify parts of a process in a diagram. A couple of these unofficial tests do have the same format as the current exam, including the Barron's practice test and all the tests in the "subscription needed" section. You should save these for later on in your second semester when you want to get a more accurate assessment of your readiness for the final exam (and then follow them up with the official practice test in the previous section if you feel confident that you've fixed your problem areas!). Free AP Biology Practice Tests Barron’s Practice Test Barron’s offers a free practice test online that has the same format as the current AP test. You can take it in timed or untimed (â€Å"practice†) mode. If you use practice mode, you can see answer explanations as you go along. The multiple-choice section has automated scoring, but you’ll have to self-score your free-response answers (guidelines are provided). My Max Score Practice Test This is an old-format test that includes 100 multiple choice questions and four free-response questions. It also has detailed answer explanations for all questions. Varsity Tutors Diagnostic Tests This is a list of ten multiple-choice diagnostic tests rated by difficulty level. Tests 4-10 have the same number of questions as the real multiple-choice section. Sorry, there are no free-response questions on this site. Kaplan Practice Tests There are a few unit-specific quizzes here along with two longer practice tests that have almost as many questions as the multiple-choice section on the real exam (58 and 62 as opposed to 63 + 6 grid-ins). There are no free-response questions. Learning Express 120-Question and 100-Question Practice Tests These are a couple more old-format multiple-choice tests with answers included at the end. If you just want to test yourself on the basic information in the course, these could be useful. Subscription Needed Shmoop Practice Tests (free trial available, $24.68 a month for subscription) A subscription to Shmoop will get you access to a diagnostic test plus five full AP Biology practice tests (including both multiple-choice and free-response questions, although these are of course unofficial). Shmoop tries a little too hard to relate to kids with their writing style, but if you're not put off by that, it might be a good resource for you. BenchPrep Practice Tests (with subscription that costs $30 a month) Here, you’ll get access to two full practice tests plus a ton of lessons. Practice Tests inReview Books You might also decide to order a review book to get access to more practice tests. You'll find some good resources in the books listed in my article on the best AP Biology books for 2016. Make sure you have some nice fresh erasers cuz your pencils are in for a wild ride across the treacherous terrain of the AP Biology curriculum. Wooohooooo! How to Use AP Biology Practice Tests This section is full of all the advice you need to follow to use AP Biology practice tests effectively during both your first and second semesters in the class. First Semester: Using Practice Tests for Your Class Although it might not make sense to take full practice tests yet, you can still use the materials in this article as resources for your studying.Look for free-response questions that relate to what you’ve learned so far so that you can start to get familiar with their format and expectations. There are also plenty of sites that have quizzes that touch on specific units in the AP Biology curriculum.These include Learnerator, Varsity Tutors (which I mention above for diagnostic tests, but they also have subject-by-subject quizzes), and Quizlet.These won’t be official questions, but they will help prepare you for in-class assessments and serve as a solid introduction to the types of questions you might be asked on the AP test.You should also check out my complete AP Biology review guide for more advice on how you can use online resources to study specific units of the course. Second Semester: Preparing for the AP Test By this time, you should be familiar with most of the material that you’ll see on the test.This means you can start using full practice tests to judge how you’ll score on the AP test and where your weaknesses lie.Remember to time yourself accurately when you take practice tests!Each time you take and score a practice test, you should also do an evaluation of your mistakes that will inform your studying going forward.Mistakes come in a few different forms, and things can be even more complex on the AP Biology test because there are technically four types of questions. Focus on the multiple-choice section first, including the grid-ins.Notice whether your mistakes tend to happen on straightforward questions where you just didn’t have the content knowledge or on questions that require deeper analysis.Were there specific content areas where you missed a significant number of questions?Keep track of this so that you can go back into your notes and review the appropriate unit(s).These are easy mistakes to fix. Did you have trouble interpreting and analyzing scenarios on the test even though you knew the background information?The remedy for this is more practice. There are many sites with AP Bio practice questions available.This book of practice questions is also useful because the questions faithfully replicate the new design of the test. It’s possible that your problem lies outside the specifics of the questions and more in the format of the test.Did you run out of time? Make a ton of careless mistakes?The solution to this is greater awareness of your pacing and more practice questions. Careless mistakes can be avoided by greater awareness of your surroundings. Also, how did someone even fit that big of a gum wad in their mouth? Was a giant chewing gum in this parking lot? Should we be concerned about his current location? I have a lot of questions. Grid-ins are weird, so you may have had trouble on them if you’re not big on the math aspect of biology.Try to find similar problems in your textbook, review book, or online so that you can practice your skills.The more math-oriented biology questions you do over time, the more likely it is that the questions on the test will be aligned with what you’ve already seen. After taking your multiple-choice mistakes into account, you can move onto the free response section.Notice which questions gave you the most trouble and why.Did you forget the information you needed, or were you confused about what the question was asking or how to analyze a diagram?Take these findings and apply them to your future practice! Essential AP Biology Practice Testing Tips Follow these four tips to be sure to get the most out of your AP Biology practice tests. #1: Replicate Realistic Test Conditions It’s always important to be faithful to the rules of the real test when you take practice tests so that your scores accurately reflect your potential.That means an hour and thirty minutes for each section.This is the only way to judge whether time is going to be an issue for you.You should also print out the test so that you take it in the right format. Have a calculator on hand as well.If you’re really dedicated, you can even have someone serve as your mock proctor. #2: Don’t Panic if You’re Not Familiar With Scenarios You See on the Test Even if you’ve gone over every in-class lab that you had to do for AP Biology, you will still run into examples you haven’t seen before.It’s important not to psych yourself out when this happens.Focus on the diagrams and what you can learn from them, and see if you can think of a related experiment that will clue you into what they mean.Use your common sense; many questions will depend more heavily on your ability to analyze the situation at hand than on your memorization talent. #3: Give Yourself Plenty of Time for the Grid-Ins The so-called multiple-choice section also includes six grid-in questions.These questions are at the end of the section, and they will probably take you longer to solve than most multiple-choice questions.Try not to spend more than a minute on each multiple-choice question.If you find that you’re taking too much time, you should move on and come back to it later! #4: Spend 5-10 Minutes Reading the Free-Response Questions Before You Start Writing It’s a smart idea to start with the free-response questions that you know you can answer quickly and accurately. Leading with these questions will boost your confidence and help you avoid problems with time.Use the short reading period to look over all eight free-response questions and see which ones will be easiest for you to tackle. For example, I would definitely answer a question about snails first. I love snails. My pet snail died not too long ago, and I'm scared to get another one because I don't want to feel that pain again. Want to get a perfect 5 on your AP exam and an A in class? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. Conclusion You should take plenty of practice tests as part of your studying for AP Biology.You can’t expect pure memorization to save you on questions that ask you to analyze scenarios you’ve never seen before. Practice questions are the key to improvement! You can use a mixture of official and unofficial tests to practice. Just be wary of major differences in your scores from test to test so that you can accurately assess your readiness for the final.You can even use these tests throughout the year to practice for specific units of the course.If you do enough serious practice, the real AP test will be a piece of cake (well, maybe not, but it will be much less traumatizing). What's Next? Check out my detailed guide to the AP Biology Exam for more information about what's on this test and how you can prepare for it. Are you taking both AP tests and SAT Subject Tests? Find out which kind of test is more important and what the major differences are between the two. Many students take AP classes in the hopes of earning credit for college coursework in high school. Learn more about how AP credit works in college. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Evangelism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evangelism - Essay Example Rainer reports the findings of a survey done of more than four thousand churches in US and he points out that many congregations are abandoning the biblical model of pastoral ministry. The pastor is actually required to spend time in prayer and in the ministry of word. However, congregations are demanding more attention and time from the Pastor for tasks that are not related to the biblical foundation. As time passes, more and more new and unreasonable expectations would be placed on the overburdened pastors and if the pastors have to meet all the perceived needs and demands of church members, they would have little time to devote to their primary and main calling preaching. The author has also attempted to justify that though the pastor is expected to be involved increasingly in the community in non-theological tasks but the extent of involvement should not be considered as the measure of success and failure when attendance at a Church starts reducing. The author also reports that a few decades back, the pastor had a position of respect and esteem and unfortunately today, many pastors get very little respect in the communities where they survive. In fact, many of the harshest and most unloving critics of pastors can be found within their own congregations (Rainer, 2001, p. 55). In later sections of the Chapter, Rainer gives details of the interview he conducted with 353 formerly unchurched people. Two main questions were asked that brought about significant responses about pastors and the first was did the pastor and his preaching play a part in your coming to the Church?" For this question, more than 97% of the respondents replied that they agreed. The second question require a much more subjective response and asked about what factors led you to choose the Church?". The subjective question items and the percentage of responses are indicated as below. As seen in the above figure, the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Assess the economic benefits of Globalisation to developing countries Essay

Assess the economic benefits of Globalisation to developing countries within recent years - Essay Example 3M (Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing) would lose more than 53% of its revenues if the American government asks them to restrict their operations within the United States (Barrera, pp. 17, 2007). Exxon Mobil is an American firm but it receives only 25 percent of its yearly revenues from operations within the United States (Welfens, 102-103, 1999). Finnish employees no longer form the majority at Nokia’s head quarter, which is a Finland based company; surprisingly, employees from China and India dominate the numbers (Chatterji & Gangopadhyay, 89-93, 2005). Honda, a Japanese automobile maker, has its biggest production plant in Ohio. When Pakistani government decided to impose a 25% duty on the import of cell phones, Nokia (Finnish company), Sony Eriksson (Japanese cum Swedish company), Samsung and LG (South Korean Companies) came into action and found ways to persuade the Pakistani government not to do so (Scholte, pp. 22-25, 2000). These were just a few glimpses and examples that how globalisation has affected each one of us. However, today we do not realize or feel that with such intensity but most of the products that we consume today, are manufactured or processed in strange lands, millions of miles away, lands that we have never seen or heard of. The rest of this paper is an attempt to asses the effects and changes brought by globalisation considering the specially the economic grounds. Despite the fact that there several definitions of globalisation but in its broadest sense, â€Å"globalisation refers to the rapid growth of linkages and interconnections between nations and social communities† that make up the present world system (Barrera, pp. 17, 2007). It is important to note that in economic terms globalisation has many forms. Firstly, it involves and facilitates trade between individuals, companies, corporations and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Engineering and Technology versus the natural Environment Essay

Engineering and Technology versus the natural Environment - Essay Example More recently of course, particularly during the late 19th century and early 20th century, a great array of scientific and technical discoveries were made which directly affected the way in which mankind viewed its environment as something to be changed to meet its needs and desires more conveniently. With engineering innovations came bigger houses, transportation systems, increased infrastructure and urban development. All of these things, once made apparent to mankind, did not remain novelties for long, but soon became seen as essential and a practical and fundamental aspect to civilised living, without which, human needs were not being met. The famous psychologist, Abraham Maslow explains this shift in thought in his ‘hierarchy of needs’ theory (1973). This theory explains that human needs are based upon which needs have already been met. At the bottom of the hierarchy, are the more physical human needs of shelter and nourishment. When these are difficult to come by, they are essentially all that is felt to be ‘needed’ by the individual. It is only when these needs are met, that the person feels a need for something else, which according to this theory, would be things like friendship and family. At the top of the hierarchy, are much more emotional needs such as self-actualisation, professional achievement and similar. The point is, as the world became built up and urbanised, and more tools and aesthetic factors thus became more common, people’s needs and expectations fundamentally changed.... de apparent to mankind, did not remain novelties for long, but soon became seen as essential and a practical and fundamental aspect to civilised living, without which, human needs were not being met. The famous psychologist, Abraham Maslow explains this shift in thought in his ‘hierarchy of needs’ theory (1973). This theory explains that human needs are based upon which needs have already been met. At the bottom of the hierarchy, are the more physical human needs of shelter and nourishment. When these are difficult to come by, they are essentially all that is felt to be ‘needed’ by the individual. It is only when these needs are met, that the person feels a need for something else, which according to this theory, would be things like friendship and family. At the top of the hierarchy, are much more emotional needs such as self-actualisation, professional achievement and similar. The point is, as the world became built up and urbanised, and more tools and aes thetic factors thus became more common, people’s needs and expectations fundamentally changed. Quite paradoxically, as the world has radically shifted in its desires to become increasingly civilised, archeologically impressive and technologically convenient, so too has the global interest in maintaining the natural environment. In recent decades, the adverse impact that technology and engineering has had upon the natural environment has become increasingly apparent and worrisome, as rainforest destruction is widespread and climate changes have reached shocking levels. Environmental groups have long been urging people to acknowledge the crucial importance of maintaining the natural environment, not just because of the vital role that its elements play in sustaining life, but because of its beauty and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Diabetes Mellitus in the emergency services

Diabetes Mellitus in the emergency services Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common medical issues affecting people today. There are two types of diabetes. The first is type one, it is often referred to as juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes. Patients with this type of diabetes are often diagnosed with the disorder early in life but in rare occasions it can be diagnosed as late as forty years of age. People with type one diabetes make up between ten and twenty percent of all diabetics. Men are also more common to be diagnosed with type one diabetes. While it is not fully known why people develop diabetes it is know that it is a genetic disorder and can be passed down from generation to generation. People with siblings with this disorder increase there chance of developing type one diabetes by six percent. The reason it is often called insulin dependent diabetes is because the body does not form any insulin from the beta cells of the pancreas, so there for the patient need to take daily insulin shots to keep the ir blood sugar low. Type two diabetes is often referred to as adult onset diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes and make up the remaining eighty to ninety percent of diabetics. Patients with this form of the disorder often do have some type of insulin production by the beta cells in the pancreas but just do not produce enough to maintain in their body. Also in some cases the patients develops a type of insulin resistance where their body does not use the insulin that in naturally produced by their body correctly or efficiently. In most cases this type of diabetes can be controlled by a strict diet or use of oral medications. The diet of a patient with type two diabetes often includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Patients with type two diabetes what to avoid high amounts of sugars, trans-fats and sodium. When a patient eats large amounts of calories and fat, their body then causes a spike in their blood glucose level. Type two diabetes can sometim es also be reversed with exercise to lose excess weight. People with family members with type two diabetes have a ten to fifteen percent increased risk of developing this disorder. Two types of issues arise with diabetes. Sometimes the patients blood glucose level is too high and sometimes it is too high. When it is too low it is call hypoglycemia. A patient is usually determined to be suffering from hypoglycemia when their blood glucose level is below 60mg/dL. When the body is in a state of hypoglycemia the body automatically slows insulin production and increases glucagon production by alpha cells. Often times hypoglycemia in both type one and type to diabetics is due to over medication of injected insulin. It can also be caused by exercise, malnutrition and alcohol consumption. Over time the pancreases ability to produce glucagon is sometimes decreased making it harder to raise blood glucose levels during hypoglycemia. When a patient has a high blood glucose level it is called hyperglycemia. A patient is usually considered hyperglycemic if their blood glucose level is above 300 mg/dL. Hyperglycemia occurs because the body is unable to produce insulin to prom ote uptake of glucose from the cells. There are two sub-types of hyperglycemia. The first is diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA. This type of hyperglycemia is most often found in patients with type one diabetes because DKA occurs when there is little or no insulin in the body causing the blood glucose level to soar. It can be caused by untreated type one diabetes or excess glycogen production due to stress. Patients in DKA often present with a blood glucose level above 350mg/dL. Due to the lack of insulin the body then uses fats as metabolic fuels and ketoacidosis is developed. The other type of hyperglycemia is called hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma. This occurs most often in patients with type two diabetes. Because patients with type two diabetes still produce some insulin, unlike in DKA the body is still able to move sugar into the cells and not have to use the fatty tissue from the body. Patients experiencing hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma usually have blood glu cose levels of 600 and above. Diabetes has a large impact on pre hospital emergency medicine because often when people are having hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic emergencies paramedics are the first to treat these patients. Sometimes when paramedics are dispatched to these calls the caller may not know what is exactly wrong with the patient. Patients in a hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic crisis may present in a variety of ways. The key with these kinds of patients is to keep a high index of suspicion. Like previously stated patients having diabetic issues may present in a variety of ways. Patients suffering from hypoglycemia will often present with hunger, nausea and weakness. Due to poor cardiac output of the body the patient will often present with a rapid and weak pulse. The patient will also present with seizures or small twitches. Lastly the most common symptom is altered mental status. The patient can present in total unconsciousness, drowsiness, confusion or even aggravated and violent. Change in mental status usually comes with a quick onset because once the body is insulin deprived the brain is the first body structure to suffer because the brain uses glucose as an energy source. When the patient present with the altered mental status it can mimic many other conditions. The patient can look as if he or she is intoxicated because of their lack of coordination and aggravated attitude. They are sometimes so combative that it may be difficult to effectively assess them. Hypog lycemia can also mimic a stroke. Due to its effect on the nervous system the patient may present with weakness on one side for no apparent reason. Lastly the patient may present like a person experiencing epileptic seizures. The seizures are also a result of the brains lack of glucose. These seizures can be all types; they can be full body grand maul seizures or partial seizures that only affect certain parts of the body. It is very important that paramedics indentify that these symptoms are underlying symptoms of hypoglycemia and treat the true problem correctly. Patients who are experiencing hyperglycemia have some similar symptoms to hypoglycemia but also distinguishing symptoms that are different. One of the distinguishing groups of symptoms is the polys. These symptoms include polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia. Polyuria is defined as excess urination, polydipsia is extreme thirst and lastly polyphagia is the feeling of extreme hunger. Like patients experiencing hypoglycemia these patients will present with tachycardia and altered LOC. One symptom that is specific to DKA is kussmaul respirations with fruity smell to their breath. This type of breathing is when the patient had rapid and deep respirations. The reason for this is because the body is breaking down fats due to the lack of insulin the body enters into a state of metabolic acidosis. The deep respirations is the bodys way to blow off carbon dioxide to make the body more alkolidic and return the bodys pH level to normal. The patient will also present with a fruity smell on their breath when experiencing DKA. This is due to the ketones being broken down in the body. HHNCs only distinguishing factor is the lack of kussmaul respirations and the fruity breath odor. Many social and ethical issue can and do arise when treating patients with this condition. One social issue is that this problem occurs quite often with homeless and improvised persons. This is because they are often not able to get the proper medications and also not eat proper meals to keep their blood sugar at a normal level. Also these types of patients are sometimes known to drink alcohol and skip out on meals. The combination of malnutrition and alcohol consumption will cause diabetes to worsen significantly. One social and ethical issue is seeing through the symptoms that sometimes indicate other medical problems and determining that the patient is suffering from a diabetic emergency. Patients sometimes present identically to how a person who is severely intoxicated would. These patients can often be rude and violent. It could be very easy to mistake a hypoglycemic patient with an intoxicated individual and have the police transport them to the jail without ever obtaining a BG L check to determine the true problem. This mistake could cause the patient further internally injury and even death. The key with these types of patients is to keep a high index of suspicion. Lastly a common ethical issue is when to let these types of patients refuse care. Often times EMS will arrive and treat the patients symptoms and bring them back to their normal state of consciousness. For many patients it is not the first time the rescue squad has had to respond to their home to reverse their hypoglycemia and do not see a need to go the hospital. The paramedic should try to convince the patient that they should go to the hospital and explain to them the risks of refusing care, but if they still refuse and are alert and oriented the paramedic needs to respect their decision to refuse care and document the event accordingly. One positive thing about encountering a patient with hypoglycemia prehospitaly is that this issue is usually easily reversed. When treating hypoglycemia you want to first asses the patients Airway, breathing and circulation. Patients in hypoglycemia may have decreased respirations so assisting ventilation with a BMV may be necessary. If the patient is breathing at a normal rate they should have oxygen administer to them via a nasal canula or non-rebreather to combat hypoxia. Once ABCs are taken care a blood glucose reading needs to be obtained from the patients finger to confirm that the patient is indeed experiencing hypoglycemia. If the patients BGL is below 60mg/dL first consider 15-30g of oral glucose to be administered only if the patient is conscious and is able to swallow. If IV access can be obtained then 25g of D50 should be administered via IV or IO. If IV access cannot be obtained 1mg of glucagon should be administered IM. The patient should also be hooked up to cardiac mo nitor to rule out cardiac dysrhythmias. In the case of a patient experiencing hyperglycemia first asses the patients Airway, breathing and circulation. Patients in hyperglycemia may have decreased respirations so assisting ventilation with a BMV may be necessary. If the patient is breathing at a normal rate they should have oxygen administer to them via a nasal canula or non-rebreather to combat hypoxia. Once ABCs are taken care a blood glucose reading needs to be obtained from the patients finger to confirm that the patient is indeed experiencing hyperglycemia. If the patient is found to be experiencing hyperglycemia with a BGL of 300mg/dL attempt to obtain IV access and admitter a 250ml/hr fluid bolus with normal saline. This will help combat dehydration associated with hyperglycemia and help thin out the glucose enriched blood. In conclusion diabetes is a true medical emergency. It should be taken very seriously but can often be treated effectively in a pre-hospital setting. Paramedics need to keep a high index of suspicion to make sure they do not misdiagnose patients that are actually having diabetic emergencies.